Borsalo Med Spa – News


All types of peeling, despite the variety, have one important action in common: removal the upper stratum corneum of the skin surface for the possibility of the formation of new young skin cells. As the top layer interferes with the revival of new young cells and facial skin rejuvenation, we part with it without regret.
When the outer dead layers of the epidermis are removed, the growth of young new skin cells. This cellular renewal stimulates fibroblast activity, which provide and activate the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
Peeling can be carried out at different depths of the skin and by different methods.

Peeling: Pros and Cons

Recommended for:
  • Prevention of premature aging
  • Loss of freshness and moisture in the skin of the face
  • Primary wrinkles
  • Weakening of the muscles of the face and neck, double chin
  • The appearance of age spots
  • Photoaging from excessive summer sunburn
  • Enlargement of facial pores and oily skin
  • Appearance of cellulite on the body
  • Stretch marks, stretch marks, scars and scars
  • Post-acne and Acne

Not recommended in case of:
  • Pregnancy
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the body
  • Lactation
  • Allergic reactions to drugs

Chemical Peeling

Chemical peels use several types of chemicals to remove dead skin cells and other impurities and rejuvenate the face. Some examples of chemicals that can be used as a cleansing agent include several types of enzymes, including fruit.
2021-03-16 08:19